Category Archives: Blog posts

Introducing Song Director 2.00

Song Director 2.00 version is a major update. It has many new features and updates.   Released in November 2019.
Continue reading Introducing Song Director 2.00

Virus warning when downloading and installing Song Director

Virus warning when downloading and installing Song Director

The following link and videos about downloading and installing Song Director will explain what to do if you get a Virus error:

Please see the following link:

You can refer to these two videos:

Continue reading Virus warning when downloading and installing Song Director

New versions of Song Director for 2018

There have been some new versions of Song Director released in 2018.

To know which version you are using go the pull down help menu and choose “about”

To get the latest version, simply download Song Director again from the website and install it into the same location as before, just like the first time.  The setup program will not overwrite any of your existing data.   Here are the changes:

Continue reading New versions of Song Director for 2018

Introducing NameBase – People Organizer Software

NameBase is a program that keeps track of names, addresses, phone numbers, dates, notes, reminders, and other miscellaneous data about persons and organizations. A unique feature allows you to organize entries into any category you wish, then view these categories separately or combined.

Download NameBase for FREE:

Continue reading Introducing NameBase – People Organizer Software

Song Director is great to use on a network

Song Director is great to use on a computer network

Found songs easily on a computer network

My server tower has over 300,000 songs located on a 4TB external hard drive downstairs.  I can access any of these songs with Song Director from my laptop or Windows tablet.   I have my laptop connected to my home stereo system upstairs and connected to the wireless network.  I play all my songs with Song Director on my large stereo system.   I also have a computer office in the loft which can access the network music drive downstairs.   I can set up playlists, categories and perform advanced music searches at any location of my home by accessing the 4TB music drive downstairs.


New review of Song Director Music Player from a customer

New review of Song Director Music Player from a customer:

“I have been using your Song Director for the last few days.   It is by far the best song program out there.
I have one recommendation:  Don’t change anything, Don’t try to improve it. Don’t embellish it.
Everyone I’ve come across who has a good program winds up destroying it by “improving” it or adding
stuff that is neither needed or wanted.”

“As for your program:
It took under a minute to index 2000 .wav songs.
Your index look-up is perfect… especially when you get a song in your head but can’t put your finger on it. The random feature is just what I need although it is hard to test. Note that the one car radios use has a tendency to repeat as if they didn’t know what random meant.”

Testimonial and review of Song Director

Continue reading New review of Song Director Music Player from a customer

How long will your digital audio last? – Song Director

Music Database Software for cataloging and organizing digital songs

Song Director will organize your music data files but how long will it last?

All digital storage media have a short life. This is
why digital preservation requires active manage-
ment, including regular migration of content from
older storage devices to newer devices.
The life of storage media are cut short by at least
three factors:
1. Media durability
2. Media usage, storage and handling
3. Media obsolescence

Continue reading How long will your digital audio last? – Song Director

Organizing digital audio music – Song Director

Music Database Software, for cataloging and organizing CDs and digital music

Organizing digital audio music

Digital and Analog music differences

Here is a good article about  Digital and Analog music by Recording Connection.

original article link

The question of analog vs. digital audio is one of the more hotly debated questions in the world of music, film and media today. Does digital sound better? Does analog sound better? Is there even a noticeable difference?

It’s impossible to understand the difference completely without understanding what distinguishes analog audio from digital audio. A full discussion of these terms is best left to your curriculum and discussions with your mentor in the studio. For now, though, here’s a brief explanation of what these two words mean, and the differences between them.

Continue reading Organizing digital audio music – Song Director

New Review of Song Director by Gizmo’s Freeware

Review of Song Director by Gizmo’s Freeware – Rob Schifreen

Link to Article

“Windows comes with a music player app as standard. If you don’t like it, there are others freely available too, such as Apple’s iTunes. Trouble is, neither of these programs is particularly good. iTunes is huge and unwieldy, and is best kept away from your PC if at all possible. Windows Media Player is OK, but it’s not particularly easy to use.

If you have a lot of music tracks stored on your PC (perhaps as a result of ripping your CD or vinyl collection), then take a look at a neat program called Song Director. Once installed, the first thing you need to do is to choose Add from the File menu, and then tell it to scan your entire hard drive. It will do so, and create a searchable database containing the name and location of every music track (MP3, AAC, FLAC, WAV etc etc) it finds.

This makes it really easy to play any song. Just type a few letters from its title into the search box, wait for it to be found, and then hit the Play button. It really is very easy, and is great if you have lots of locally-stored music tracks.

Song Director is free and is at It’s only a 1.1 MB download, and is malware-free according to VirusTotal. It’s also a reputable site according to Web of Trust. Note that the free version only allows you to play one song at a time – you can’t cue up a set of tracks and have them play in turn.

Although the interface does look very dated, the program is still perfectly usable and is supported on all versions of Windows from 7 to 10.”

How to Edit MP3 File Tags for free for digital audio music -Song Director

How to Edit MP3 File Tags for free for digital audio music -Song Director

Download now:
Editing File tags – A file tag is information contained inside a file that further describes the file. For example, some typical file tag information for a music file is the artist name and song title. In most cases you can edit this tag information by changing the file properties using Windows File Explorer. You can also edit this information from within Song Director. To do this from the Edit window in Song Director, click on the “Edit tag” button next to the File name field. This displays a File Explorer window of the folder containing this song file. Right-click your mouse on the file you want to change, then choose “Properties” from the menu that is displayed after you right-click. Click the Details tab on the next window, then select the tag field you want to change and simply type your new information. Click the OK button and your changes will be saved within the file. Click the Cancel button to return to Song Director. This changes that information within the file only, not within your Song Director database.

After you update your file tag information in the File Explorer window, if you want Song Director to update this information also, you can either edit the record manually in SD or you will need to delete your record in Song Director (just the record information NOT the file) and then re-scan the folder or file that has the changed file tags and Song Director will pick up the new tag information without having to re-type it.

Windows does not let you change the file tag information for certain files that do not support tags or that contain invalid tag information.