To know which version you are using go the pull down help menu and choose “about”
To get the latest version, simply download Song Director again from the website and install it into the same location as before, just like the first time. The setup program will not overwrite any of your existing data. Here are the changes:
Download now:
Editing File tags – A file tag is information contained inside a file that further describes the file. For example, some typical file tag information for a music file is the artist name and song title. In most cases you can edit this tag information by changing the file properties using Windows File Explorer. You can also edit this information from within Song Director. To do this from the Edit window in Song Director, click on the “Edit tag” button next to the File name field. This displays a File Explorer window of the folder containing this song file. Right-click your mouse on the file you want to change, then choose “Properties” from the menu that is displayed after you right-click. Click the Details tab on the next window, then select the tag field you want to change and simply type your new information. Click the OK button and your changes will be saved within the file. Click the Cancel button to return to Song Director. This changes that information within the file only, not within your Song Director database.
After you update your file tag information in the File Explorer window, if you want Song Director to update this information also, you can either edit the record manually in SD or you will need to delete your record in Song Director (just the record information NOT the file) and then re-scan the folder or file that has the changed file tags and Song Director will pick up the new tag information without having to re-type it.
Windows does not let you change the file tag information for certain files that do not support tags or that contain invalid tag information.
This Video goes some of the basics of Song Director. Sorting, The Find button, Filtering records, Cataloging, inserting and finding information about your songs, Using the main Grid screen. The Help Menu, and much more.
Categories – You create a Category by clicking on the Categories button and adding a new Category. You can assign each record to Categories you create. This is great for keeping track of groups of songs. You can then view and print just the songs in that Category. You can display just the songs in that Category by double clicking on the Category name on the same screen.
If you are displaying songs in a certain Category, any songs you add are automatically assigned to that Category.
To assign a song to a Category, highlight the song you want on the first Song Director screen (the screen with the toolbar buttons at the top), then click the Assign button. The Category Assignment screen appears. Double-click on a Category in the box on the left side of the screen, and that Category will be assigned to the current song. Double-click on a Category in the box on the right side of the screen and that Category assignment will be removed from the current song. You can assign a song to as many Categories as you want.
Assigning many songs to a Category, all at once
You can easily assign many songs to one Category at the same time, or remove many songs from one Category. Select and display just the records you want (see the Selecting Records topic), then choose the option “Assign Many Records to Category” or “Remove Many Records from Category” on the Edit menu. On the next screen that is displayed, select the Category from the list and choose the appropriate button.
To display all records in your Song Director database, click the Show All button. This is useful if you previously limited the records displayed by choosing a specific Category, or by specifying a Filter or by Selecting Records.
Digital audio recordings are great until you try to sort through thousands of them to make sense of it all. Fortunately Song Director music catalog software is here to help. As well as being a music player to play the songs the way you want them to be played.
Below is a great article about digital audio recordings:
The death and life of digital audio
By Jonathan Sterne
For many years now, critics have written of digital audio recording – in its myriad formats – as less ‘live’ or less ‘natural’ than analogue recording. By implication, these critics suggest
that digital audio is closer to death. Taking the metaphysical assumptions behind such claims as its starting point, this essay analyses three key elements of digital audio:
temporality, definition and mobility. By troubling the notion of time as a continuous linear flow, and by troubling the idea that all analogue media share this continuity with ‘natural’
time, it is argued that digital recordings have as legitimate a claim on sonic experience as their analogue counterparts. The argument about experience extends into a consideration
of the problem of sonic ‘definition’: the range of possible pitches and volumes in a given recording. Higher definition does not necessarily make a recording more lifelike. Finally, the contexts in which recordings are generally heard today mitigate against the idea that
they must aim to perfectly reproduce a live performance. Rather, their liveliness should be judged by the degree to and manner in which the recordings themselves circulate. Judged
by their social lives, rather than by a dubious metaphysics, digital recordings are at least as lively as analogue recordings ever were.
The best music management software. Providing a Music database of your songs. Song Director for Windows can manage and play all your iTunes files in a easy way. Song Director can also replace iTunes for many functions.
Below is a good article for all you iTunes users out there:
Mastered for iTunes:
by the Apple Corporation:
Whether you’re a major label or a small indie, you provide the most important ingredient for iTunes—the music itself. It’s our job to faithfully and accurately deliver your songs and albums to fans around the world exactly as you intend them to be
heard. We’ve designed our tools to facilitate the best possible results, ones that live up to your highest standards for music available on the iTunes Store. To achieve this transparency, you need tools and technologies from us to ensure delivery of the highest
quality master recordings possible into our ecosystem. With over 315 million iOS devices.